Capgemini involved in “FinTech &CyberSecurity” program of Startupbootcamp in Amsterdam
Capgemini will join forces with Startupbootcamp in innovation and technology for Startupbootcamp’s “FinTech &CyberSecurity” program based in Amsterdam. This relationship will provide consulting, mentoring and certification processes to startups and scaleups focusing on the financial services industry. Startupbootcamp is the leading European-born global network of industry-focused startup accelerators.
“Being aligned with Startupbootcamp, one of the premier accelerator networks, gives us a seat at the table with innovative FinTech and CyberSecurity companies that are changing the technology landscape in Financial Services. Through this alliance, we will be able to contribute to the ongoing dialogue in the industry, and also help to counsel and consult with the burgeoning FinTech community,” said Elias Ghanem, Capgemini’s Head of FinTech.
The relationship with Startupbootcamp will include Capgemini establishing a certification for ‘scale-up’ companies – those that have passed their first round of funding and have viable and progressive business models. This will put FinTech and CyberSecurity ‘scale-up’ firms through a rigorous and systematic set of measurements and criteria.
The engagement will also include having a member of the Capgemini staff embedded with startups. Further, Capgemini will be a “partner in residence,” where members of Capgemini senior staff will work at the local Startupbootcamp location. Finally, Capgemini innovation experts will mentor and consult with the startups on business processes, technology considerations, and go-to-market strategies.
According to Jorge Sobrino, General Manager Financial Services Continental Europe, Capgemini’s involvement with the program will connect Capgemini to the strongest and most innovative companies in the FinTech and CyberSecurity sectors in Continental Europe, a hotbed of financial services innovation:
“Through Startupbootcamp we will have a ring-side seat to startups and scaleups, giving us insights and education that we will bring to our innovation and transformation conversations with our clients. Since we will be part of the selection process, we will help to strengthen the new business models that will form the foundation of the next generation of technology in financial services. We will have daily interaction with these pioneers of innovation and become a critical part of the ecosystem,” Sobrino said.
Michael Dooijes, Managing Director of the Startupbootcamp FinTech &CyberSecurity program commented, “Corporate startup collaboration lies at the heart of what we do at Startupbootcamp and we are excited to have Capgemini onboard as our Innovation and Technology partner. At Startupbootcamp we really like the approach that Capgemini takes to looking at startups in terms of their technology, people, and financing to rate how easy they are for corporates to work with. We believe that this type of due diligence is exactly what our partners are looking for. The teams participating in the program are on the cutting edge of the most exciting areas of FinTech, InsurTech, and CyberSecurity, enabling technologies such as Machine Learning/AI, Blockchain, (Behavioral) Biometrics and APIs, which we hope will greatly benefit Capgemini’s integrated approach to innovation.”