- Seven out of ten UK adults will be celebrating Bonfire Night this year
- 38% of adults will be attending a local town bonfire or fireworks display
- Toasted marshmallows top the poll as Britain’s favourite bonfire treat
Remember, remember the fifth of November – it’s that time of year again when Brits everywhere will warm up next to bonfires and gaze at spectacular firework shows across the nation. But how much do we spend on celebrating the foiling of the Gunpowder Plot?
Research carried out by short term loan provider Wonga has revealed that seven in ten UK adults will be celebrating Bonfire Night by hosting or attending a bonfire or firework display.
Attending a display was the most popular way of celebrating the night, with over half the population (59%) donning their woolly hats and wellies and going to an organised event.
The average cost the respondents were willing to pay to attend the event was £7.70, almost ten times less than the average Brits are willing to spend on fireworks if they are planning to host their own display (£72.35). With 7% of Brits planning to host their own firework display, the total amount the UK will be spending on personal fireworks is £262 million.
When this is calculated along with the total estimated spend to attend a local display (59% of Brits spending an average of £7.70, which totals £235 million), the total spend on Bonfire Night events across the UK is a staggering £497million.
As well as finding out how much people will be spending on the brightest (and loudest) day of the year, Wonga also researched what Brits will be tucking into. Taking inspiration from American treats, toasted marshmallows were revealed to be the most popular Bonfire Night treat, with 17% of the population choosing this as their favourite snack to watch the fireworks with.
The most popular Bonfire Night snacks were:
- Toasted marshmallow (17%)
- Toffee apple (15%)
- Bonfire toffee (11%)
- Chocolate apples (9%)
- Parkin (8%)
- Malty cinder toffee (6%)
With Brits spending on average £7.97 on snacks or treats for Bonfire Night, seasonal confectionary is certainly big business.
James McMaster, Head of Marketing in the UK at Wonga, said: “Bonfire night is a great British tradition, and our research has shown many people still hold bonfire parties or attend local events.
“If you are looking for a way to celebrate Guy Fawkes Night without breaking the bank, our Cash Smart hub features a handy guide on how to plan an event on a budget.”
Please visit https://www.wonga.com/cashsmart/articles/image-articles/fireworks-night-party-on-a-budget/ for the Cash Smart guide on how to have a cheaper Bonfire Night.