Understanding how and why M-BiTS providers differ from traditional IT support services
By Tarek Meliti, founder of TDM Group
If your business needs help with its IT, it is more important than ever to distinguish between providers that act solely as an MSP and those that go further by acting as a business partner.
The traditional MSP model still serves a useful purpose in providing companies with IT services, cost-effectively and efficiently. However, these services are inherently narrow and limited to IT issues. A Managed Business IT Service (M-BiTS) provider adopts a holistic approach to managing IT operations and implementing innovative change; one that considers the impact technology has on the entire organisation. Its power to balance technology with other key business elements (people, process and data) means this forward-thinking service is shifting the IT model towards a more business-focused mindset.
What does an M-BiTS provider do?
An M-BiTS provider recognises there is more to IT than fixing an issue. They understand the need to manage IT operations holistically to deliver, and continue delivering, innovative change – whether a business is engaging with existing IT systems or implementing new ones.
To adopt a holistic and longer-term approach, an M-BiTS provider must consider the entire business and its growth strategy. Businesses that select an M-BiTS provider will find themselves well supported technically; but crucially, they will also benefit from business acumen.
Honest partnership
The key to any successful business partnership is trust; this can only be achieved through consistent and transparent collaboration. An M-BiTS provider will consider your IT systems and business processes – and it is their ability to constructively challenge that makes the relationship worthwhile.
Partnerships are a two-sided relationship
Customers must listen to and trust the guidance of their partner, while the M-BiTS provider must take the time to understand the business – not just its IT operations but its business operations and goals. This will allow them to harness the power of technology to drive your business forward.
M-BiTS providers are experts across the board
Having made the initial choice to use a managed service provider, it is important to recognise that M-BiTS providers focus their expertise on all aspects of the business and how it interacts with technology.
Risk Based Security’s 2021 Mid-Year Data Breach Quick View Report revealed that there were 1,767 data breaches in the first half of 2021, exposing 18.8 billion records. This represents an existential risk to a business and requires a partner who can work closely with the businesses from a people, process and data perspective – not just technology – to ensure the business is protected from threats.
Business value from your M-BiTS provider
To get the most out of your partnership, you must work with your M-BiTS provider to establish effective channels of communication – and work together for effective change. This will ensure your business benefits from technology, harnessing its true potential.