According to PersistenceMarketResearch, the global physical therapy services market will witness a stupendous CAGR between 2020 and 2030.
Physical therapy did start in the form of a simple massage. These days it is available with several specialized applications. Initially, physical therapies (physiotherapists) weren’t mandatorily recognized as contributing members to hospital care team. In other words, they used to be administered at the later stage. However, with the Affordable Care Act in place, physical therapists have been assigned the rightful role in the form of an “influential member” of care team.
The current scenario is such that physical therapy is become a broadly accepted treatment therapy post minor/major accident or post recovery for the ill health. They aid in putting limits on usage of braces, crutches, splints, canes, etc.
Also, geriatric population has been growing at an alarming rate. This has resulted in numerous accidents like elderly falls in the outdoors and households. Also, malfunctioning of the joints is turning out to be a common thing. This factor is bound to catalyze the physical therapy services market going forward. Equipment pertaining to tilting, stretching, bending, etc. are being made available for assisting the physical therapists.
North America holds the largest market share, followed by Europe. The Asia-Pacific is slated to hold the top position in the years to come with more people opting for physical therapy.
The key market participants include Minsu’s Healing Oasi, Sports Oahu, Elam, FullMotion Physical Therapy, Meier & Marsh Physical Therapy, and AmeriCare Physical Therapy. The latest trend on this count is that of physiotherapists incorporating video games backed by VR (virtual reality) into treatment plans.
The platforms like Nintendo Wiilet therapists benefit from motion-sensitive controllers for helping patients in performing targeted movements. Also, Wii-Hab drives patients in being pro-active regarding expansion beyond clinical setting.
The future belongs to patients who do enjoy the recovery process. Though physical therapy is being recommended for those suffering from deformity, not all are comfortable herein. Once the ice breaks, inclination towards physical therapy services would rise.
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