Versenomics: The Evaluative Framework of the Verse
Verse is one of these words that mean a lot and nothing. Rooted in science, hyped in technology, and bloomed in art, it also most recently found application in branding. It sounds well, it’s rarely mistyped and it resonates with the idea of communities. However, it remains somewhat incomplete without a prefix and yet, it holds the potential to become valuable as a two-word combination. These contradicting forces set the stage for the emergence of Versenomics: the next big thing in business and finance.
Essentially, Versenomics serves as an evaluative framework that assesses the collective market size and value of all products and services trading under the umbrella of the Verse. In practical terms, it establishes a semantic network that interconnect businesses employing the term to signify their involvement in the community and to promote the community itself.
What really adds value to the Notion of Versenomics is the unique placement of each entrepreneurial activity thanks to its linguistic blend concept. Think of any specific product and service associated with the word Verse to understand the versatility of the approach: Gymverse for a network of gyms, Hackverse for an internet security software, Autoverse for a car leasing service, Loveverse for a dating platform, Sslverse for an SSL certificate provider, Cacaoverse for a chocolate brand, Jewlsverse for a jewelry brand or Jpgverse for a camera company.
A key driver fueling the development of Versenomics is its trademark protection: the concept guarantees that only one business owner can use a particular word as a prefix for a given product or service. In fact, the size of Versenomics is limited by the number of Verses that could be created out of the use of a single word as a prefix. That unique attribute is the driving force behind the exponential rise of trademark applications which have been filled globally over the past year or so.
From a financial perspective, Versenomics are directly related to trademark value and brand spending. In simple terms, it helps reduce the money spent on creating brand awareness. Think back to 2005 when owning domain names like gym.com, insurance.com, news.com, hotels.com, business.com, or shoes.com would have been valuable.
The stage is therefore set for Versenomics to become a catalyst in the business and financial landscape, emphasizing the incredible potential of combining the power of words with commerce. As it continues to spread across various industries, we’re likely to witness a continued expansion of the Verseconomy: with each new Verse coined, fresh opportunities arise, and its economic impact continues to grow. Soon, it will become one of the most invaluable worlds in today’s business.