Trace Software International is thrilled to announce that the newest version of its electrical calculation software eleccalc™ 2018 is here to empower the user experience and to guarantee the success of the project.
Since 1987 Trace Software International has been a global leader in industrial engineering, with a unique expertise in the design of electrical installations within Manufacturing, Energy, Building, Medical, Process & Plant and Transportation industries.
“Empowering Electrical Solutions” has been the company mission since the early beginnings.
eleccalc ™ is the CAE software solution dedicated to the sizing of electrical installations, the only one in the world that allows to integrate the management of high and low voltage in the same project and in compliance with international standards.
Even more performance
In a more and more demanding market, characterized by ultra-competitiveness, the latest software version guarantees excellent results in terms of precision, time and productivity, including flawless installation.
The latest evolutions of eleccalc™ enables the user to save design time, enhance the performance and empower the accuracy of the calculations to provide a project as close as possible to the production conditions. Real assets that make the difference and bring real added value to your projects.
Among the latest developments:</strong>
- New management features of the schema library: by means of drag and drop and/or contextual menus, the standard plans can be arranged, prioritized and presented in various ways.
- Improved presentation of calculated values: the calculated values have been reviewed and updated. The displayed values depend on the type of component and enable to know all the data useful to the dimensioning of the component.
- Display of calculation results on the line diagram: a new display option enables the visualization of some results on the diagram
– Maximum short-circuit currents at the output of sources and transformer
– Maximum short circuit currents seen by a distributor and input voltage drops
– Minimum short circuit currents and voltage drops on the receivers
- Management of discriminationtables between protection devices: these tables are supplied by the manufacturers and therefore only concern the discrimination between devices of the same manufacturer. The project configuration includes a checkbox for controlling discrimination by table. If this box is checked, the software displays an alert message on any non-selective circuit-breaker with the upstream protection.
- Improvement of the search interface in the catalogues: addition of a filter on the range of a material, addition of 2 columns of information in the list of circuit breaker bases(nominal current and number of poles), addition of a filter to choose a valid breaking capacity either directly or by cascading.
- New data items in the calculation report. The following items have been added to the calculation report
– Simplified power balance
– Detailed power balance
– Simple list of short-circuit currents
– Detailed list of short-circuit currents
– Printing of time/current curves previously recorded in the line diagram
- Management of cables having several methods of installation: when the method of installation of a cable varies along the path, the standard requires sizing according to the most restrictive installation mode. It is possible to define several installation modes for the same cable. The software provides the most restrictive mode end to ensure reliability of the installation.
- Integration of new manufacturers references in the catalogues:+ 6200 new references, taking into account manufacturers discrimination tables.
- Customization of the calculation report: each product document can be customized in terms of quantity (choice of components) and qualitative (choice of data processed in the document – report, bill of material, curves, …). These different choices can be saved for re-editions
These new features are in addition to those already present in previous versions of the software, including:
- Management of High and Low voltage in the same project
- Simpler and more flexible design interface
- Calculations of the installation in real time: any modification of the installation is considered, and any anomalies are immediately reported.
- Possibility to link external documents to the project or to add notes on the components to accompany the monitoring of the project.
- Management of an unlimited number of operating modes.
- Fast and ergonomic data entry
- Management of discrimination curves to make reliable projections as close as possible to production conditions at all levels of the installation.
- Possibility for the user to enter his own catalogues.
It is easy to get started. You can now learn more about this cutting-edge design software solution and download a free trial version: FREE TRIAL.
Customers with an active subscription will be able to download this new version directly from the software. Purchase options include flexible subscription terms to fit your needs and personalized customer experience and support.