The Sixteenth Amendment to the US Constitution provides Congress with the authority to impose a federal income tax on citizens without apportioning it out by state population. It was enacted in 1913 as a response to the 1895 Supreme Court ruling of Pollack v. Farmers’ Loan and Trust Company.
The Sixteenth Amendment is actually quite simple and was intended to apply only to income taxes and not to the estate, gift, or gift tax. Because of this limitation, there are many people that believe that the amendment does not cover a wide variety of taxes such as customs duties, tariffs, and even import duties.
When the Supreme Court held that Congress could tax income through the use of the Internal Revenue Code, they also determined that Congress had the right to include virtually any type of tax in the code. This means that the Sixteenth Amendment protects the income tax itself from being invalidated by subsequent legislation.
The Sixteenth Amendment also gives Congress the authority to create and change rules regarding the income tax itself. For example, the amendment provides for annual income tax brackets based on the person’s income for the previous year. The tax brackets may vary with respect to individual income tax rates and with respect to various family incomes.
For some, this may be a concern because they would argue that if the tax is indexed for inflation, Congress has the power to increase the tax rate. The amendment actually provides that the amendments made by Congress are not to be construed to alter the constitutional right of the United States to collect taxes. As such, it provides a clear line between what Congress has the power to change in terms of income tax rules and what it cannot.
Because the Constitution protects the income tax, the Supreme Court has never found a situation where the Internal Revenue Service has overstepped its constitutional authority. There are many examples where the IRS has applied its authority improperly, but the majority of cases have ruled in favor of the tax agency. In most cases, the courts have upheld the tax code, not the Internal Revenue Service.
While the income tax has been a controversial subject in the US government for many years, the amendment to the Constitution gives Congress the right to tax income and wealth. with no regard to any constitutional limitations.
The Sixteenth Amendment was created to protect the constitutional right of the US to collect taxes from citizens who fail to pay income taxes. As such, the amendment is designed to provide a strong defense for all people who believe that they are not paying their share of taxes.
Despite the majority of cases, the Amendment has never been overturned. Even if Congress passed a law that it felt was valid, the courts have not overturned it as it would be unconstitutionally vague.
The majority of income tax cases, whether they involve an individual or a corporation, have sided with the US government. In some cases, however, the courts have ruled against the IRS.
There are many people who believe that Congress can change the Federal tax code on its own without having to go to court. The majority of the court have sided with Congress when it has attempted to amend the law using an amendment known as a Revenue Ruling.
The Revenue Ruling is an administrative procedure by which allows the IRS to apply tax laws to individuals and entities under their jurisdiction. Although the Revenue Ruling may not be considered a law, it is still considered part of the tax code under the Internal Revenue Code.