Business owners with commercial properties who are looking into upgrading the space or even moving to a new location can consider commercial real estate loans and that’s where Real Estate Funding Solutions comes in. Real estate isn’t cheap, and it’s almost impossible to pay in cash unless you’re in the top tier earning bracket, but even then, many wealthy individuals opt for mortgages over cash payments because they can invest their cash into high interest investments while paying relatively low interest rates on their loans. In the words of Robert Kiyosaki, bestselling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, loans aren’t borrowing money, you’re buying money, so you need to make every cent worth it.
When you upgrade your business with a commercial real estate loan, you’re essentially investing in the future of your establishment and buying the future potential of your business. If you think that you have time to save up before you roll out the renovations, understand that opportunity cost is a real thing and if you don’t strike while the iron is still hot you’re losing income at the cost of not forking out the money right now.
“Some people outright refuse to entertain the idea of a commercial real estate loan because they tend to see their businesses as self-sustaining entities. After the initial overhead, very few are willing to invest more in a business and expect it to start paying for itself. For instance, it has to make an X amount of money before they begin putting more money into their business, but that’s an entirely faulty way of thinking because your business is not just an investment, it’s a garden that requires constant maintenance. Making that initial purchase of seeds, equipment, fertilizers, and any accessories or labour and then just expecting your garden to flourish is never going to happen. You have to foster it, care for it, and tend to it. It’s the same with businesses and that’s why commercial real estate loans can be the answer.” A rep for Real Estate Funding Solutions shares their insights into the importance of commercial real estate loans, explaining that when you don’t have enough capital to sustain your business, it’s entirely okay to turn to loans so you can elevate your business to the next level.
There are several commercial real estate loans available. In fact, no two loans are the same and it’s definitely worth speaking to an expert as they will be able to better break down the entire cost of the loan and even help you save on certain costs. Meeting a specific amount for the down payment might be able to reduce your costs, or if you need money urgently, you can opt for hard money loans which may not be the cheapest option, but can give you what you need close to immediately.
Getting in touch with an expert can be as easy as filling out a form and waiting for a call – which is exactly what Real Estate Funding Solutions provides. Their industry experts will get in touch within 24 hours at zero cost to you.
Produced in Association with Craig Lebrau