The global demand for dental lasers is anticipated to grow moderately, in 2019, representing a growth rate of approximately 4.5 percent. As per a recently released in-depth analysis of the global dental lasers adoption by Persistence Market Research, the dental lasers market is expected to exceed the valuation of US$ 409 Mn—the market growth rate standing at 1.4X, through the assessment period of 2018-2026.
“The growing demand rate can safely be attributed to exploding laser application to treat dental diseases, including restorative removal and curing, caries prevention, dentinal hypersensitivity, cavity preparation, growth modulation, and other diagnostic purposes—all constituting hard tissue applications.
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Company Profiles:
- Biolase, Inc
- Dentsply Sirona
- A.R.C. Laser
- Convergent Dental
- IPG Photonics Corporation
- Elexxion AG
- Laserstar Technology
- Fotona d.o.o.
- Den-Mat Holdings LLC
- Others.
Dental lasers have also found increased adoption in soft tissue application comprising wound healing, photodynamic therapy for malignancies, removal of hyperplastic tissue, and photostimulation of herpetic lesion.
Apart from demonstrated procedure specificity, dental lasers have proved to be an effective tool owing to increased efficiency, comfortable dental treatment, more soft tissue control, and less bleeding”, explained a senior analyst of the company.
PMR foresees further growing dental lasers landscape—presently, at a high state of refinement considering substantial state of refinement. Moreover, laser-based photochemical reactions is expected to bring promising new results in dentistry applications, aimed at targeting cells, molecules, and pathogens. Moreover, conservative soft tissue procedures using dental laser being covered under several insurance policies, is likely to drive dental lasers demand growth, the analyst further explains.
While diode lasers continue to remain a hit in dentistry, PMR also anticipates increasing prominence showcased by Nd:YAG Lasers, followed by Er:YAG—all falling under dental surgical lasers segment. Analysis of the global dental lasers market, projects dominance by dental surgical lasers, holding a whopping 80 percent of the total market share.
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Soft tissue procedures carried out using diode lasers, through 2026, is projected to generate a revenue of approximately US$ 196 Mn, globally, considering its effectiveness in treating periodontal diseases. Moreover, labial frenectomy conducted using diode laser is known to significantly reduce suturing during intervention and bleeding. Further, resulting in substantially lesser intervention time, less post-operative pain and discomfort—translating into faster operative wound healing.
“Varying wavelength of diode lasers result in different levels of water absorption and efficacy of diode lasers is highly dependent on clinically managing and evaluating the biocompatibility and sterility of the char along with biocompatibility of the glass”, further explains the analyst. Er:YAG Lasers, a substitute for acid etching of enamel, and CO2 Lasers have showed significant success rate style=”font-weight: 400;”> in dental procedures, versus Nd:YAG Lasers, which is contraindicated as it causes temperature build-up around the implants, resulting in melting of implant surface, in spite of its excellent sterilization characteristics.
Since, comfortable and minimally invasive procedures are the are an important goal of dental lasers, Er:YAG lasers have the ability to provide conservative restorative treatments, in hard tissue application, placing it in a fast moving growth pedestal, according to the study. A highly consolidated dental laser landscape, is controlled by top three key players, including Biolase, Inc, Dentsply Sirona, and AMD Lasers—holding an approximate market share of 87 percent. Biolase, Inc, is the unrivaled player in the dental lasers market, with nearly 53 percent market share. On the other hand, Dentsply Sirona and AMD Lasers, collectively hold dominance over 34 percent market share. High market consolidation is characterized by high technological intensity and proprietary technology, as per the report. The companies are focusing on technologically advanced new products to strengthen the product portfolio and solidify their market position, with a key focus on the emerging markets of Asia Pacific. Moreover, regional expansions, strategic collaboration, and mergers and acquisitions will also remain core forward market strategies. Dentsply Sirona announced the acquisition of Healthdent Technologies International, perfectly complementing Dentsply Sirona’s endodontics and restorative portfolio. The company, in 2018, expanded in North America, Shanghai, Italy, Austria, and Germany, further broadening its regional reach. How About Knowing The Product/Technology Driving The Dental Lasers Market Before Investing Therein? Click The “Purchase Now” Button Of Our Dental Lasers Market Report! https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/checkout/25699 Market Restrainers Apart from such technological innovations, PMR anticipates that easy availability of alternative products such as, anesthetics, dental probes, dental drills, and scalpels coupled lack of technical expertise in handling dental lasers could significantly impede the dental lasers market growth. About Us: Persistence Market Research Contact Us: Persistence Market Research Japan Office: 1-2-1 Kinshi Arca Central Building Sales – [email protected]
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