The Kohen Rapoport Group has announced the launch of the UK’s first ‘para-law firm’, which is set to revolutionise how individuals and businesses in the UK access legal support.
Named ‘LCM’, the para-law firm combines regulated services offered by solicitors and barristers with the services of unregulated paralegals. Since, paralegals are charged with the bulk of the time-consuming legal processing tasks, the para-law firm’s approach means that clients can benefit from significant cost reductions, whilst still receiving professional legal representation.
The traditional route to legal support has seen law firms provide clients with both advisory and paralegal support within the regulated framework. However, this approach significantly drove the cost of paralegal support upwards.
On the other hand, the para-law firm model enables the bulk of work involved in a legal case to be undertaken by unregulated (yet highly skilled) paralegals under the watchful eye of regulated professionals. In fact, unregulated support via paralegals can represent around 90% of the total workload in an average legal case. Therefore, by shifting this workload into unregulated (yet supervised) territory, LCM enables clients to enjoy significant cost savings, whilst receiving the most effective legal representation when it’s actually required – i.e. the 10% professional advisory component.
Effectively, LCM performs a ‘Legal Case Management’ role (hence the name ‘LCM’) – managing the distribution of tasks between its stables of paralegals, legal executives, solicitors and barristers in the most efficient manner. LCM’s role is to coordinate the performance of legal tasks to achieve maximum cost savings for clients, while ensuring that the case adheres to agreed time schedules and to expected quality standards.
LCM is the brainchild of Dr Yuri Rapoport, CEO and founder of The Kohen Rapoport Group. The Group is renowned for its innovative solutions that enhance practice efficiency for lawyers and improve access to justice for consumers. One of the Group’s other brands, Legal Cost Finance, provides ‘payment plans’ to consumers, meaning legal costs can be paid in affordable monthly instalments. Legal Cost Finance is an optional service available to all LCM clients, and means there are no delays in progressing a case, ensuring that all costs involved in the case (including professional fees, court fees, expert witness costs etc.) are paid in full and on time.
The para-law firm model has recevied positive feedback from leading professionals within the legal sector. Stephen Harvey QC, of 3PB Barristers, comments: “A a QC operating in the Public Access capacity, I fully endorse the creation of Legal Case Management as the UK’s first ‘para-law firm’. Many clients who I work with find the traditional way of working with a solicitor as the main supplier of legal services as both costly and – often – inefficient. The role of a ‘project manager’ in a case, through the likes of Legal Case Management, is a fresh approach. As a barrister, I can see enormous benefits to clients in working as a trio of legal service providers, an LPO, solicitor and barrister, each providing expertise at the appropriate level and timeline within a case.”
Dr Rapoport comments: “The LCM mantra is simple – we help companies and individuals to cut their legal costs and optimise case results. Our role ensures lawyers don’t spend time on unnecessary tasks such as information collection, document bundling, evidence qualification, client management, etc. – because we take care of this for them.
“LCM was established in 2013, and has been perfected to deliver what we are coining as a ‘para-law firm’. We believe LCM represents the future paradigm for legal service delivery. It is our response to the demands of savvy consumers in a market that has seen many recent Government initiatives designed to drive up competition and make access to justice easier for individuals and businesses.
“LCM has helped hundreds of clients over the past three years to make legal cost savings of over 40%, and has an exemplary track record in getting excellent case outcomes in virtually all types of legal cases (both contentious and non-contentious).
“We always have our clients’ best interests at heart – we won’t allow them to be pushed into unrealistic processes. Rather, we will advise on the alternatives available and work alongside our clients to help choose the best option for them.
“For example, in many cases, the legal cost savings LCM was able to achieve for clients meant that they had a chance to afford a higher quality of legal professional – a senior barrister or even a QC instead of a junior. This ultimately resulted in a better case outcome.
“Nowadays, law is more of a business than a profession, and clients should see it in this light. Let’s put it this way – if you were buying a car and discovered you could get the same model for 40% less around the corner, what would you do? There was a time when clients coughed up whatever legal charges they were presented with, but thanks to LCM, the landscape is shifting and we are at the front, clearing the path.
Dr Rapoport concludes: “Our aim is simple. We want people and businesses to enjoy maximum access to justice. Our complete service is shaping the future of the legal industry and we are proud to champion that change and be recognised as pioneers. There is no doubt that we have established a new way of accessing legal support in the UK. We encourage other para-law firms to be established, so more clients can save money and enjoy access to justice.”