
Latest provisional OTC derivative product definitions also available for industry review

The Derivatives Service Bureau today opened the DSB User Acceptance Testing (UAT) platform to the industry with a revised and updated set of product templates that are consistent with MiFID II requirements. The UAT platform is a functionally complete system that will provide near real-time allocation of International Securities Identification Numbers (ISINs) for OTC derivatives as well as generate additional attributes that are mandated by MiFID II, such as the Classification of Financial Instruments (CFI) and Financial Instrument Short Name (FISN) ISO standard values.

“We are delighted to make available the UAT platform for formal industry testing on time and within budget.” said SassanDanesh, Management Team, DSB. “We remain confident of all our delivery milestones and look forward to assisting users to integrate with the DSB in preparation for go-live on 2 Oct 2017.”

The UAT platform provides DSB services via the web, file download and FIX. Through the web, all users can create and search for ISINs and their associated reference data. The same ISINs are also available via file download, whilst organizations accessing via FIX can also receive new ISINs automatically in real-time as they are created.

Simultaneously with the operation of the UAT platform, the DSB is also releasing the latest set of provisional product definitions, based on attributes that the Product Committee has achieved consensus on. This set provides industry with the first detailed view of the ISIN attributes expected to go live in October 2017. Additional attributes may be added to this set as the Product Committee achieves consensus on the need for their inclusion.

The UAT platform will be loaded with the provisional product definitions on the following schedule:

  • 03 Apr: Rates
  • 18 Apr: Credit
  • 24 Apr: FX
  • 02 May: Equity
  • 08 May: Commodities