Survey reveals UK investor confidence in autonomous vehicle manufacturers.
Results from the second quarter of a year-long research study reveal how investors view the performance of a range of different players in the autonomous vehicle (AV) market, providing for each firm, the % of investors who judge that company as ranking in the top 5 for having the most investible Autonomous Vehicle technology.
In the survey, conducted by international law firm Gowling WLG and economic research agency Explain the Market, Tesla (26%) topped the charts when it comes to investor confidence in AV manufacturers – closely followed by BMW (22%).
IT giants
For the world’s biggest IT companies, investors ranked Google (35%) as the business with the highest potential for success in the AV market. This is markedly higher than other giant brands which investors feel are yet to make an impact – notably Baidu (2%), Uber (8%) and Apple (11%).
Tech brands
The survey also reveals Bosch (54%), Tata Elixsi (36%) and ParkWhiz (29%) as the most investible tech brands in the AV tech sector, according to UK investors.
Stuart Young, partner and head of Automotive at Gowling WLG said: “When it comes to the AV sector – research shows UK investors are backing innovation from a wide range of sources. UK Investors clearly have confidence in both the old and the new, the big and the small. They are tracking the best ideas and conditions whether they come from start-ups or corporate giants.”
Since the survey’s Q1 results, there have been some subtle shifts in investor mood regarding the barriers towards widespread AV introduction. Whilst concerns about unclear rules and regulations have slightly diminished, doubts about a lack of collaboration between industry and government appear to be increasing.
As our economy enters a new period of instability, the importance of monitoring investor attitudes increases. This is the second wave of a year-long study of over 1,000 investors. The ongoing tracker study will track the confidence, attitudes and opinions of UK investors to the AV sector and reveal what investors really want as the sector develops. The study will also probe the real barriers and factors that impact confidence.