Asset management firm T.Bailey has been awarded the distinguished top 5 Crown rating by FE Trustnet for its T. Bailey Dynamic Fund investment solution.

Kevin Payne
Based in the heart of Nottingham City Centre, T. Bailey Asset Management are providers of world-class investment expertise through a fund of funds approach.
The T. Bailey Dynamic Fund is a multi-asset solution, which is run by the company. This solution has now been ranked by FE (Financial Express) in the top 10% of UK Investment Funds, giving it a rating of 5 crowns.
Its aim is to outperform UK inflation plus 3% per annum on a total return basis over medium-to-long term.
Based around the principles of accuracy, simplicity, and reliability, FE Trustnet recalculate these prestigious ratings twice a year. The top 10% of funds receive 5 Crowns, the next 15% of funds awarded four crowns and each band of 25% of funds below these given three, two and one crowns respectively.
FE Trustnet design their Crown Fund Ratings to help investors. They identify funds that have displayed superior performance in stock picking, consistency, and risk control.
The FE Crown Fund Ratings also enable investors to distinguish between those funds that are strongly outperforming their benchmark and those that are not.
Relationship Manager Kevin Payne commented:
“This is testament to the stewardship of the T. Bailey investment team. We invest in fund managers who, like ourselves, are not too big to succeed.
“Our family office background means that the investor comes first, investing alongside the owners and staff. There are no shareholders ahead of the client in the pecking order.
“We are incredibly proud and grateful that our FE rating has reflected this.”