Mums Tax Support welcomes simplicity of Reckon One Cloud accounting software
Reckon Software, the UK arm of the Reckon Group and a leading global provider of software solutions for accountants, and small to medium sized businesses, announced today that the Reckon One Cloud Advisor Programme is winning significant backing from UK accountants.
Reckon One Cloud accounting software is powerful and yet affordable to all and allows small and medium businesses to choose the modules they want and only pay for what they use with an option to turn them off and on when needed. The core module costs just £3 per month and includes a host of powerful features and reports including a visual dashboard to make it easier to see at a glance how their business is doing.
The Reckon Cloud Advisor Programme offers accountancy firms that recommend Reckon One to their clients a range of benefits including high quality training and webinars, technical support for accountants and clients, access to marketing materials and free use of Reckon One in house.
Mums Tax Support was one of the first firms to become a Reckon One Cloud Advisor. Set up by Kylie Fieldhouse to help Mums in business understand their profitability and take care of the stress of their business accounts and tax obligations, the firm offers clients a Five Star package that includes a subscription to Reckon One and a full training package. “I really like the price point and compared with other packages, you would have to pay at least 2 to 3 times the price for the elements included in the core module of Reckon One,” says Kylie. “Why pay more for features you don’t use?”
“Many small business owners are fearful of numbers,” she explains. “Reckon One is not intimidating with the use of simplistic terms such as ‘buying’ and ‘selling’ that people can easily relate to. The dashboard makes it very visual and this really appeals to my female client base – it is designed for SMEs.”
Typically, the clients switching to Reckon One have been using spreadsheets to manage their finances and their reaction has been really positive. “There are lots of core features in the software that are going to help save time on administration,” Kylie adds.
Mums Tax Support recommends the Project module as a great feature. It allows businesses to record income and expenses for each job and see which work is the most profitable. Kylie comments: “We recommend it so our clients can start to really understand their numbers, and look at their cost and income drivers in more detail. Reckon One is trying to bring Cloud accounting to all in its simplest form and it is very powerful for its price point – you only have to compare what it costs with what you pay for a mobile phone. This is a good company, a good product and not overly complicated. I am suggesting clients try it out when they have quieter times, such as during the summer period, which is often a time when business mums focus on getting their admin done.”
This exciting next generation modular and affordable approach to managing all of a small business’s accounting needs marks the beginning of a new era. Giving the business the option to pay only for what is used and when it is used marks a major step forward in this arena where monthly add-ons can become an issue.
Because Reckon One is an online platform, it caters for the change in the way business owners are working and allows them to focus on running the business rather than managing IT and finances.
To read more about what Kylie thinks about Reckon One, you can read her article on http://mumstaxsupport.co.uk/reckon-one-easy-use-cloud-accounting-software/