Although we’re not there yet, the light is shining brightly through the end of the tunnel for many countries across the world – and the UK is one of them. With the government recently announcing the first day in many months without a reported COVID-19 death, the success of vaccine rollouts is becoming clear.
And what that means for families and adults across the UK is simple: A return to the life we once knew. Understandably, that involves having a list of things we need and would like to buy, be they home improvements, a new car or clothes for our children. Today we’re going to list some sensible and digestible advice on how to prepare safely for the purchases you’re likely wanting to make in the months ahead.
Don’t rush it.
It’s tempting to break open the bank and go on a spending spree as things open back up across the country and the wider world. It’s understandable, after all; there’s a catharsis to spending and we’ve all been cooped up awaiting a release and a return to the way we used to live! It’s better, however, to ease back into older patterns you were once used to.
Taking a more measured approach will accomplish two things. First, it will help to curb pent up spending desires that could lead you to regret your new purchases and acquisitions. Secondly, it’s important to keep in mind that we’re still in the infancy of full recovery – nothing is guaranteed yet.
Keep a safety net.
It isn’t the fanciest thing in the world to discuss and consider, but it saves families and adults across the country each and every year. A financial safety net, also called a rainy day fund by many, is a set aside savings amount that can sustain you and your lifestyle for around three months or more.
Safety nets have kept families and adults from serious financial crisis for years, with the past year highlighting their importance like never before. As we emerge from the worst of this pandemic, many adults and families are taking the risky decision to spend their safety nets on goods and services. Despite employment and income restabilising for many and making this seem safe to do, it’s still dangerous in reality.
It’s OK to spend money on new things and it’s fine to get excited. Be mindful, however, that saving for the worst-case scenario is sensible for a reason: that scenario can happen at any time. Be careful with your money and you’ll be glad you were in time.
Plan for every eventuality.
Even if your work or employment has returned to normal and your bank account looks healthy, it’s useful to have run through different scenarios in advance so that you’re fully prepared. This only takes an evening to do and gives real peace of mind once completed. With some planning behind you, you’ll be freer to return to normal and you’ll be grateful for the peace of mind that comes with having sound planning behind you.
The way you plan for different financial situations will vary for each person, but it’s important always to have plans of action included. What would you do if you couldn’t go to work for three months and weren’t receiving sick pay? How about if the house needed sudden work, or your car broke down and was a write-off?
In many cases, researching ways you can obtain finances on short notice, such as from UK companies like Everyday-Loans, can quickly and easily bear fruit and provide you with sensible and pragmatic ways to ensure you aren’t caught out in the future.
Good luck and have a great year!
We hope this helped. It’s exciting to see the world returning to normal and we encourage you to plan and prepare in advance of that happening. And above all else, stay safe and be well.
This is a Sponsored Feature.