Same, but different: how payments became commoditized – and what payment providers can do about it

Same, but different: how payments became commoditized – and what payment providers can do about it

By Peter Caparso, President North America, Peter Caparso, ..

Can 2018 herald a new era of good governance in financial services?

Can 2018 herald a new era of good governance in financial services?

By Alister Esam, CEO, eShare ( Alister Esam, CEO, eShare ..

Why leading financial institutions are relying on video to meet compliance needs

Why leading financial institutions are relying on video to meet compliance needs

By Paul Herdman, Vice President, Qumu EMEA How you communicate regulatory changes to..

Mobile wallets in India: What the world can learn

Mobile wallets in India: What the world can learn

Elina Mattila, Executive Director, Mobey Forum India’s emergence as a digital payme..

The CFO and mastering the art of Digital Process Transformation

The CFO and mastering the art of Digital Process Transformation

Shantanu Ghosh is global business leader, CFO Services, and Transformation, at Genpa..

Getting Authentication Right – A Challenge For The Financial Sector

Getting Authentication Right – A Challenge For The Financial Sector

By Brett McDowell, executive director of the FIDO Alliance  What is online authentic..

MiFID II: How Regulation Updates will Change Finance Communications

MiFID II: How Regulation Updates will Change Finance Communications

Alex Tebbs, founder, VIA The impending updates to the MiFID regulation will affect a..

The digital transformation of the financial services: what to expect in 2018

The digital transformation of the financial services: what to expect in 2018

By Jim Schulenberg, Market Development Executive, financial Services, DMI 2017 saw m..

Top 10 financial services roles set for highest salary increases in 2018

Top 10 financial services roles set for highest salary increases in 2018

High- performing financial professionals remain in high demand as the skills deficit..

Bank of Baroda’s new digital Supply Chain Finance solution from iGTB to open up raft of working capital opportunities for clients of all sizes

Bank of Baroda’s new digital Supply Chain Finance solution from iGTB to open up raft of working capital opportunities for clients of all sizes

India’s International Bank now offers its extensive client base a host of automated ..

Giving the Control of the Payment Process Back to Consumers

Giving the Control of the Payment Process Back to Consumers

By Shane Leahy, CEO of Tola Mobile Handing control of the mobile payment process bac..

Open Banking Levels the Playing Field for SMEs and Brings Hope of a Better Future for financial services

Open Banking Levels the Playing Field for SMEs and Brings Hope of a Better Future for financial services

By Felicia Meyerowitz Singh, Co-founder & CEO, Akoni Hub It’s been a long time c..

RegTech – MiFID II and beyond

RegTech – MiFID II and beyond

Tom Harwood, Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer at Aeriandi The Markets in Financi..

The GDPR countdown – The importance of a data protection lead

The GDPR countdown – The importance of a data protection lead

Sion Lewis, CEO of IRIS Accountancy Solutions 25th May 2018. With less than five mon..

Tungsten Network Finance accelerates growth

Tungsten Network Finance accelerates growth

Tungsten Corporation plc, the global e-invoicing, purchase order services, analytics..

Model Risk and Model Governance in the Age of the Fintech

Model Risk and Model Governance in the Age of the Fintech

By Francesco Scarnera To many, RegTech can be an odd choice of phrase – after all, t..

GDPR litigation risks for financial institutions

GDPR litigation risks for financial institutions

With the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Data Protection Bill at the f..

Protecting Against the Threat of Insider Trading Cyber Attacks

Protecting Against the Threat of Insider Trading Cyber Attacks

Alexander Beattie, Enterprise Director UK & Ireland, Anomali The massive data br..

Dynamic Discounting and the New Cash Management Imperative

Dynamic Discounting and the New Cash Management Imperative

By Nilay Banker, founder and CEO, Inspyrus Current low interest rates are forcing CF..

a PSD2: the real regulatory impact on marketplaces offering payment services

a PSD2: the real regulatory impact on marketplaces offering payment services

Brook Kennedy, Strategic Market Development Manager at Modulr Finance Marketplace ..

Far-Reaching Consequences: The Implications of MiFID II

Far-Reaching Consequences: The Implications of MiFID II

Harpreet Singh, Director, Brickendon The Markets in Financial Instruments Directive,..

NICE Actimize Launches Compliancentral, Industry’s First End-to-End Communications and Trade Compliance Platform

NICE Actimize Launches Compliancentral, Industry’s First End-to-End Communications and Trade Compliance Platform

The financial services industry and public sector are aligned in their concerns abou..

Say Hello ToNuvo – The Uk’s First Digital Mortgage Broker Powered By Chatbot Technology

Say Hello ToNuvo – The Uk’s First Digital Mortgage Broker Powered By Chatbot Technology

Nuvo to revolutionise the mortgage market with the launch of chatbot digital finance..

Make Your FP&A Future-Ready:In With the New – Five Critical Updates to The Old Budget Cycle

Make Your FP&A Future-Ready:In With the New – Five Critical Updates to The Old Budget Cycle

By Ron Baden, chief product officer at Host Analytics. Financial planning and analys..

New Year’s resolutions: How to improve your credit score in 2018

New Year’s resolutions: How to improve your credit score in 2018

As we approach a new year, resolutions will be at the forefront of many minds. Rathe..

Digital transformation report reveals biggest finance tech fears for 2018: sophisticated cyber threats and being ready for GDPR

Digital transformation report reveals biggest finance tech fears for 2018: sophisticated cyber threats and being ready for GDPR

Concerns about data and system security, and ensuring systems will be equipped for c..

Q&A: Nets interviews the Finnish National Bureau of Investigation on subscription traps

Q&A: Nets interviews the Finnish National Bureau of Investigation on subscription traps

Fraud is on the rise. This is due, in part, to consumers’ growing preference f..

Top tips to get your finances in check after the Christmas crunch 

Top tips to get your finances in check after the Christmas crunch 

Christmas is a time to eat, drink and most definitely be merry, all of which can tak..

XTRADE.IO brings Wall Street trading infrastructure to Cryptocurrency

XTRADE.IO brings Wall Street trading infrastructure to Cryptocurrency

By using a unified FIX API, aggregated liquidity, and a multi-exchange standalone tr..

Can You Accept Global Payment Standards? 

Can You Accept Global Payment Standards? 

Arnaud Crouzet, General Secretary, nexo standards, reviews key highlights from the g..

Banks to rethink customer engagement in light of upcoming PSD2 deadline

Banks to rethink customer engagement in light of upcoming PSD2 deadline

Banks to address the need for better communications with their customers Today marks..

A wake-up call for merchants this festive season?

A wake-up call for merchants this festive season?

Todd Linden, CEO of Payment Processing – North America, Paysafe Group Consumers are ..

Mobey Forum Offers Guidance on Balancing M-Commerce Security and Usability

Mobey Forum Offers Guidance on Balancing M-Commerce Security and Usability

Mobey Forum has today published a new report exploring the available methods to effe..

The Santa rally – will Christmas bring even more gifts for Bitcoin traders?

The Santa rally – will Christmas bring even more gifts for Bitcoin traders?

December is traditionally one of the best months of the year for shares (Stock Mark..

Top 7 financial services trends that will dominate 2018

Top 7 financial services trends that will dominate 2018

Brickendon, the challenger consultancy, forecasts key trends impacting the financial..

The dos and don’ts of protecting your credit score this Christmas

The dos and don’ts of protecting your credit score this Christmas

No matter how far in advance we prepare for Christmas, many of us will end up with u..

The true cost of Christmas: Brits will be spending £475 each on Christmas this year

The true cost of Christmas: Brits will be spending £475 each on Christmas this year

Brits are planning to spend £335 on gifts this festive season The Christmas food bi..