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Decentraland Announces Anticipated Token Sale for Massive Virtual Reality Economy

Decentraland Announces Anticipated Token Sale for Massive Virtual Reality Economy

Top industry executives join Board for first decentralized virtual world powered by ..

Understanding the value of regtech

Understanding the value of regtech

Graham Elliott, CEO of Azur The insurance industry is behind the times when it comes..

Why your business should embrace failure

Why your business should embrace failure

Carl Reader, author of The Start Up Coach, co-owner of  As chi..

Low market volatility: should investors be concerned?

Low market volatility: should investors be concerned?

Tom Elliott, deVere Group Stock market volatility has been low on most major stock m..

Chatbots: The secret weapon to customer engagement?

Chatbots: The secret weapon to customer engagement?

By Karen Wheeler, Vice President and Country Manager UK, Affinion It seems the Age o..

The Emperor’s New Idea

The Emperor’s New Idea

Jim Prior, CEO, The Partners  Jim Prior, CEO, The Partners The Ufficio d..

Children aren’t the only ones with changing attitudes to money

Children aren’t the only ones with changing attitudes to money

Richard Jenkings, demographics expert at Experian It’s tempting to think children wi..

Protecting the Enterprise Network: a People-Centric Approach

Protecting the Enterprise Network: a People-Centric Approach

Derek Lin, Chief Data Scientist at Exabeam explains why adopting a people-centric ap..

Safeguarding payments against cybercrime

Safeguarding payments against cybercrime

Ross Macmillan, head of research and intelligence at allpay Limited, the UK’s leadin..

Archover To Represent Peer-To-Peer Sector In Uk Finance Association

Archover To Represent Peer-To-Peer Sector In Uk Finance Association

ArchOver joins new UK-wide finance body following entry to Asset-Based Finance Assoc..

UK Finance: one giant leap for innovation in our financial sector

UK Finance: one giant leap for innovation in our financial sector

By Melanie Pittham, Creative Innovation Director at The BIO Agency The retail, music..

Stamp duty free UK hotel room investments heat up as summer staycations soar

Stamp duty free UK hotel room investments heat up as summer staycations soar

55% of British adults will opt for staycation this summer (Travelodge) UK tourism t..

Oh we do like to invest beside the seaside! 

Oh we do like to invest beside the seaside! 

Returns of 10% attracting investors to UK seaside hotels (Property Frontiers) Hote..

The FCA Raises Concerns About ‘Pension Freedoms’

The FCA Raises Concerns About ‘Pension Freedoms’

By Andrew Wayland at Everyday Loans. The way that individuals in the UK are using th..

Why lead investment is critical to the future of P2P finance 

Why lead investment is critical to the future of P2P finance 

Tarlochan Garcha, CEO, Kuflink There’s no denying the significance of peer-to-peer l..

Mobey Forum Announces Speakers and Themes for Mobey Day Toronto

Mobey Forum Announces Speakers and Themes for Mobey Day Toronto

Artificial intelligence, blockchain, open banking, insurtech, innovation-by-design a..

PatSnap announces strategic alliance with GreyB aimed at streamlining Research & Development globally

PatSnap announces strategic alliance with GreyB aimed at streamlining Research & Development globally

PatSnap, the global Intellectual Property Analytics company backed by Sequoia and us..

Global economy suffers $53bn natural disaster loss during 1H 2017, according to Aon catastrophe report

Global economy suffers $53bn natural disaster loss during 1H 2017, according to Aon catastrophe report

Insurers face $22bn natural disaster payout with 76 percent of losses related to U.S..

SleepCogni receives grant funding to continue their quest to improve sleep science

SleepCogni receives grant funding to continue their quest to improve sleep science

As part of a collaborative R&D program, the UK’s Innovation agency have co-funde..

Dash Passes Apple’s Rigorous Review Process And Becomes An Approved Digital Currency

Dash Passes Apple’s Rigorous Review Process And Becomes An Approved Digital Currency

Approval Comes After Successful Appeal Dash, the world’s leading digita..

British SMEs face uncertain funding future

British SMEs face uncertain funding future

Thirty-five percent of small businesses express concern over lack of funding option..

The mobile and iot tidal wave is upon us: are you ready?

The mobile and iot tidal wave is upon us: are you ready?

Nassar Hussain, managing director of SOTI Europe  Currently, around 23 billion ‘thin..

European P2P leader TWINO expands to Central Asia and begins listing Kazakhstan loans

European P2P leader TWINO expands to Central Asia and begins listing Kazakhstan loans

Latvian peer-to-peer lender offers investors the chance to further diversify portfo..

Eurozone equity rally remains on – but ECB set to change monetary policy’s direction of travel

Eurozone equity rally remains on – but ECB set to change monetary policy’s direction of travel

The Eurozone equity rally remains on, despite hints that the ECB is preparing to cha..

Ethereum Co-founder Mihai Alisie Joins Aragon Advisory Board

Ethereum Co-founder Mihai Alisie Joins Aragon Advisory Board

Distinguished early pioneer joins team of advisors at the world’s first decentralize..

There is a lot of noise at the moment

There is a lot of noise at the moment

The election meant that politicians from all persuasions were jockeying for position..

Energy efficiency investments made easy with relaunch of the Green Deal

Energy efficiency investments made easy with relaunch of the Green Deal

The Green Deal Finance Company (“GDFC”) is a consumer finance company focused on pro..

Revealed: the most unusual requests from tenants

Revealed: the most unusual requests from tenants

A recent study1 by lighting experts, Lightbulbs Direct, reveals the shocking truth b..

New Foresight Smart Bonds Fund – Attractive Fixed Returns and A Choice Of One, Two Or Three Year Terms

New Foresight Smart Bonds Fund – Attractive Fixed Returns and A Choice Of One, Two Or Three Year Terms

Tranches of one, two and three year fixed rate term loans used to fund smart meters..

More Than Purse Keepers and Risk Managers, Modern Cfos Are Driving Customer Experience With Data

More Than Purse Keepers and Risk Managers, Modern Cfos Are Driving Customer Experience With Data

Fifty-three percent of finance leaders surveyed report being responsible or accounta..

Boost For Brexit Britain’s Fintech Sector As Fca Moves To Engage Beyond London

Boost For Brexit Britain’s Fintech Sector As Fca Moves To Engage Beyond London

The UK’s financial sector is perhaps the most respected in the world, while the City..

GDPR And Cyber Security: The Elephant Herd In The Room

GDPR And Cyber Security: The Elephant Herd In The Room

By Keith Bedell-Pearce, Chairman, 4D Data Centres As the UK will still be part of th..

The Nottingham Announces Major Investment In New Digital Technology

The Nottingham Announces Major Investment In New Digital Technology

A multi-million pound investment in digital technology has been announced by the Not..

An entrepreneur’s guide to boosting your business

An entrepreneur’s guide to boosting your business

Carl Reader, author of The Start Up Coach, co-owner of  With t..



By Marina Cheal, CMO at Reevoo A YouGov International Omnibus survey published this ..

Thames Card Technology Exclusively Brings Eco-Friendly Card Material to UK

Thames Card Technology Exclusively Brings Eco-Friendly Card Material to UK

Chalk-based substrate is alternative to PVC for gift, loyalty, membership & comm..

Trustonic and MediaTek announce co-operation in automotive sector

Trustonic and MediaTek announce co-operation in automotive sector

TEE hardware set to protect telematics & in-car infotainment systems ..