Debenhams Personal Finance offer loyalty points to Credit Card holders when purchasing travel money
Debenhams Personal Finance has announced this week that it is offering loyalty points when customers purchase their travel money in store and online, using their Debenhams Credit Card.
A first for Debenhams Personal Finance, customers can stack up more points than ever before, collecting one point for every £1 exchanged when buying travel money via their Debenhams Credit Card. Taking advantage of the lead up to the peak holiday period, this offer will be available from Monday 14th May – Saturday 30th June.
With a Debenhams Credit Card, customers can earn points each time they spend – whether its spending at Debenhams or making every day purchases elsewhere. Every three months, customers will receive rewards, turning earnt points into vouchers, which can be used in store.
David Baker, Commercial Manager Cards & Loans at Debenhams said: “Debenhams is the perfect destination for all things travel, whether it’s a new swimming suit, suitcase, insurance or travel money. Customers can now collect more points than ever before with their Debenhams Credit Card by purchasing their travel money directly with us.
‘’We’ve worked hard to ensure our customers can make significantly smart savings across the board when purchasing their travel money, in what can be quite a complex market place.
As a Debenhams card holder, consumers can get access to in store cash back rewards, exclusive card holder rates and they won’t be charged a fee for purchasing currency in any of our bureaus.’’
The Debenhams travel money offering continues to grow from strength to strength with seven new Debenhams Travel Bureaus launching across the country this summer.
For more information on Debenhams Travel Money, visit http://finance.debenhams.com/travel-money/.