‘A great honour to work with and be friends of the ICPA family,’ David Oliver
ICPA, the respected association that supports and campaigns for the thousands of small accountancy practices throughout the UK, is going from strength to strength and has just reached a very important milestone. It has signed up its’ 1000th member practice and to mark the occasion, friends and members were invited to a special gala dinner that was held at the Farmer’s Club.

ICPA – tony and david
David Oliver, MCIM, an expert keynote speaker and the author of 14 books and a member of the MyFirmsApp Executive team, was honoured to be at the event.
In a rousing speech, he thanked Chairman, Tony Margaritelli, ICPA, for his long-standing support and for being one of the first endorsers of custom branded Apps for accountancy practices, long before others had recognised their potential for transforming the ways in which accountants connect, collaborate, and communicate.
David said: “It’s been a real honour and privilege to have met, known, worked with and become friends of Tony, his wife and the ICPA family. He has been a sounding board, encourager when others weren’t, a prophetic voice in the profession, fearless in thought and debate and huge in heart.”
“He is a friend too and has spent many days helping shape, sharpen and test our new Collect solution for MTD and he shares our passion for making it the best in-class and the most affordable option for practices and their clients.”
Tony Margaritelli, Chairman, ICPA commented: “January 2018 saw ICPA Practice membership exceed 1,000. Taken from across the entire UK Institute range, as well as those qualified by experience, we are proud that our message that small practices matter and deserve recognition for the work they do and for the help they provide to millions of small businesses and taxpayers, is helping us win new members. We sought to provide a home for all small practice accountants and an environment that they could look to for help and support and for small practice specific benefits. We wanted to make their voice heard and now with over 1,000 practices we will continue to do exactly that.”
Since its’ formation in 2013, MyFirmsApp has worked closely with ICPA to leverage the power of mobile technology and put the accountant right at the centre of the digital world and allay one of the membership’s greatest concerns: that of client retention and acquisition. Having a custom branded App allows smaller practitioners to compete with larger practices on a level playing field and gives them the ability to communicate with their clients ‘anytime, anywhere and on any device’.
ICPA offers members a range of benefits and support that are intended to make accountants feel welcome, appreciated and understood. They include free Professional Indemnity Insurance and Money Laundering software and a discount on various software solutions including a custom branded App from MyFirmsApp.