So, you’ve decided to learn how to start a conclusion paragraph. But, wait, before you start writing, there’s a lot to be learned first. For starters, an introduction is one of the most important parts of a paragraph – anywhere from the introduction of a book to a resume. Why? Because it’s where the reader gets introduced to the author. It also sets up the theme of the entire article and serves as a springboard for connecting the remainder of the text.
If there’s one thing that pre-school teachers love, it’s “You’re starting a paragraph!” Unfortunately, not every teacher has the time or inclination to do so. In fact, they’re generally pretty busy! But here’s how to do it. Take a moment to consider the introduction of this paragraph.
The introduction sets up the mood for the rest of the article. It explains what’s in the paragraph and why it’s important. (We’ll cover why in a minute.) The introduction also serves to make the reader interested in the text, and to set up the hook for the remainder of the writing.
Now, how to begin a paragraph that will kick off your conclusion? Simply, you introduce your main point. This could be a quote, a chart, a figure, or a line from a book. Be sure to show how your main point fits into the overall context of the rest of the text. Here’s an example:
“Based on the information in this paragraph, it appears that…” What makes this example work? Well, just think about how the rest of the article will flow, and how your point will fit in. (You can find lots of examples online, just by searching for “beginning sentences” or “endings paragraphs”.) You don’t want to be misleading readers. So, once you’ve figured out how to start a conclusion paragraph, then you’re ready to begin writing.
The next step is to flesh out the paragraph by answering questions the reader has about your topic. How to start a conclusion paragraph is easy enough if you’re already familiar with the information provided in the body of the article. If not, then you’ll need to learn more about it, or at least gain an understanding of the topic. After you’ve gained that understanding, you can move on to writing the conclusion to really close the deal and deliver your information to the audience you were hoping would read it.
How to start a conclusion paragraph is actually easier than writing the whole thing. Since you already know the conclusion you’re going to write, you simply have to summarize what you’ve said in your conclusion. There are no worries about writing too much or needing to include everything the reader learned in the body of the article.
To sum up, you want to learn how to start a conclusion paragraph so you can wrap up the information you’ve discussed in your article. Summarize your thoughts and then end your paragraph with a flourish. This will allow readers to know what you’re going to do with their information, and it will help you sell the rest of your material to them. Following these tips on how to start a conclusion paragraph should give you the best chance at writing an effective ending to your article.
So now that you know how to start a conclusion paragraph, how should you go about making it work for you? Well, firstly, you’ll need to decide which ending you’re going to use. This is often dictated by what the rest of your paragraphs will be about, but you can make it work regardless. For example, if you have a discussion on the benefits of using Google AdWords, you might want to use the phrase ‘use AdWords’ as your conclusion instead of a more formal ‘end paragraph’. If you want to try something new, you can even end the piece on a bold note – just ensure that the closing statement ties in with the rest of your content.
Once you’ve decided on the ending to your piece, you can then start thinking about how you want your paragraphs to flow. This is quite easy really – you start with an introduction, then get to the main body of your text and finish with a conclusion. There are a few things you can do to make this easier though. One idea is to think of your paragraphs as being divided into smaller sections. You could move from one section to another, perhaps summarising what you discussed in the introduction, then move onto a discussion of what you did in the next paragraph and so on.
Of course, some people don’t quite see it this way. After all, a conclusion paragraph is not really all that important. However, in many cases it’s the paragraph where you get your readers to take a final action – such as clicking through to your website or sign up to a newsletter. Therefore, it’s important that you get your point across firmly, especially in the final paragraph. With some practice, you’ll soon learn how to start a conclusion paragraph correctly and reap the benefits of your writing.