We are living in a time where carbon emissions are at their highest ever recorded rate, with America producing over five billion tons each day alone. In order to combat this, many businesses are trying to do their bit by adopting sustainable practices. There are many advantages for businesses to start becoming more environmentally-friendly, and as the majority of first world countries are now starting to mandate green policies, it’s important that you understand how you can make your business contribute. A common misconception about going green is that it can hurt your bottom line, when in reality, it can actually save your business a lot of money. We have taken a look at some of the ways your company can reduce its carbon emissions without negatively impacting profit margins:
Use Less Paper
The digital era has redefined how we do business, as we are now able to access information instantly at the click of a button. By and large, this means that there’s no real need to print out documents anymore, apart from extenuating circumstances. If you really do need to use the printer, then you should opt for recyclable eco-friendly paper, which uses around 45% less energy and half the amount of waste of normal paper. It’s estimated that the average office worker uses around 10,000 pieces of paper each year, which works out to around $500 a head. Going paperless makes so much sense because we can now use cloud networks and not worry about buying paper in bulk.
Having a clear recycling policy at your business will help to reduce the amount of waste that is disposed in landfills. Many businesses have to spend a lot of money each year on waste removal services, so the more you recycle, the less you will have to pay in the long run. Some of your business waste might also be valuable to other companies, and you could actually sell things on such as computer parts, copper wiring or scrap metals.
Energy Efficient Lighting
Another way to lower your company’s carbon emissions and reduce your costs is to switch over to more energy-efficient lighting. LED lights use significantly less energy than standard light bulbs, and can last for up to 20 years. In most office buildings, lights are almost always left on throughout the day, even when a room is not in use. Making sure that your workers turn the lights off when they leave a room is a surefire way to cut back on your utility bills each month.
The transportation sector is the largest producer of carbon emissions in the United States at 28.5%, which includes the daily commute to work by millions of Americans. In this day and age, many businesses do not actually need their employees to always be at the office because of advancements in technology. Employees can instead login to work via video conferences or Skype calls, all from the comfort of their own home. If your business requires regular business trips, you could arrange for your workers to carpool together rather than taking separate journeys. Not only will this keep your carbon footprint to a minimum, but also your travel expenses.