
Remote work is becoming increasingly popular with employees, and more businesses are offering the option to work from home because it helps them stay competitive and retain talent. But remote work does come with its own set of challenges. Plenty of remote workers feel isolated from their organizations, and this can lead to weaker company culture. Still, there are plenty of ways to mitigate the challenges of remote work and make it easier on your workers.

Give Fleet Managers the Tools They Need

When your fleet managers work remotely, it is important that they have the tools they need to be successful. They have the unique task of keeping track of vehicles and drivers on various routes and giving them tools like AI dash cameras can help them detect incidents as they are happening. These cameras can also coach your drivers while they are in the vehicle, which can reduce the number of incidents. If you want to learn more about how these tools can reduce overall costs, you can see solution options here to help you decide.

Help Them Create Workspaces

Remote workers might be tempted to do their work from any location in or outside of their homes. Plenty of remote workers set up in their kitchens, on their couches, or even in their beds. However, it is critical for them to have a dedicated work area so they can be as productive as possible. Encourage them to create a workspace in their home and consider providing equipment so they do not need to use personal devices, which tend to be less secure. You might want to offer incentives for obtaining office equipment for employees who might be working from their couches or beds otherwise. You could include a clause in your employees’ contracts requiring them to have a dedicated area to work.

Be Realistic about Expectations

People work differently when they are home compared to when they are in the office, and this looks different depending on the employee. Some might find it hard to balance their schedules because of the distractions of other family members, pets, or household chores. On the other hand, some are more productive since they do not have to worry about a commute time. If you have been working with your team in-person, it is important to schedule regular meetings so everyone can talk about what is and is not working. Ensure everyone agrees on the tasks they are assigned so you can all work together and individually on them. You may find that some employees struggle to get the same things done at home that they would in an office. It’s important to set clear expectations so your team will know whether they are meeting them. Then you can concentrate on the things you can do.

Create a Solution to Manage Documents

If you have a hybrid team consisting of some remote and some in-person workers, it is even more critical to come up with a system to help you manage documents that are critical to getting things done. Emailed attachments only work for so long until it becomes increasingly more difficult to keep track of changes. Creating a file management solution can help ensure your documents are all in one place. These types of solutions are usually linked to the cloud so any employee with an internet connection and access can see the files. It also allows changes to be made in real time so team members can collaborate with each other on projects.

Implement Better Security Practices

It would be impossible for offices to be productive remotely if they did not have the right technology in place. From instant messages to emails to project management software, colleagues are better prepared than ever to work with each other. However, before you help them set up their technology, you should ensure their home connections are just as secure as what they would have at an office. When your team is remote, it needs to be even more careful about protecting the workspace from cybercriminals, particularly if sensitive information is being dealt with. Anyone whose job requires them to work with this type of information should always use a VPN to connect to the internet because it is more secure than a standard connection.

Pay More Attention to Performance Than Hours

One advantage to remote offices compared to in person ones is that your workers will be able to better blend their careers with their personal lives. While you might schedule regular meetings, your workers may not need to work strict 9 to 5 hours. Whenever possible, try to avoid worrying too much about when your workers put their hours in and instead track how productive they are and whether they are staying on top of deadlines. Allowing them some flexibility in their hours can help them be more productive overall.

Make Sure the Team Has the Right Devices

Most of the time, laptops and smartphones are enough to get the job done, whether it’s checking email or creating a presentation. But some lines of work require more than the average device. One option is to allow your employees to choose what devices they want to work off. But you can also come up with devices that could fit your budget and still help the team be productive.

Communicate as Much as Possible

When you work in an office, it is easy for everyone to connect, both in meetings and in common spaces in the office. However, remote workers do not have all these opportunities since meetings might be more limited, so you might want to look for ways to help informal connections happen because these interactions can build teamwork. You might want to set up group chats or informal video meetings. It is also easy to forget whether you have told an employee something. Even if you did, they might not have gotten it, so it is critical to communicate tasks multiple times over different channels to ensure they get it.