A luxury car is a strong indicator that you care about quality, performance, and success. It is also a sign that you have high standards and are willing to invest in yourself. If you’re in the market for a luxury car, you may be surprised to discover that there are lots of ways to make it more affordable.
If your company is willing to pay for it, leasing an Audi (or other luxury vehicles) from https://www.leaseloco.com/car-leasing/audi/ can get you behind the wheel of an impressive vehicle.
Let’s look at some options below for making this dream a reality.
For Business, Consider a Lease
Leasing is a good option for businesses that want to own the car at the end of the lease. If you’re looking to keep your business’s cars fresh and updated, leasing your vehicles allows you to do so without being bogged down with monthly payments.
Leasing also allows you more flexibility in how often you change vehicles, as well as what type of vehicle is used for different purposes (for example, one company might have several luxury cars for executives and an SUV for loading supplies).
Plus, leasing allows you to trade in your vehicle for a new one after it reaches a certain mileage, which means that the car’s engine and other parts won’t be worn down by continuous use.
Choose a Longer Term
When it comes to choosing the term of your lease, there are a few things you need to consider. The longer the term, the lower your monthly payment will be and vice versa. Short-term leases are generally around three years while long-term ones can go up to five or even seven years.
The residual value is also an important factor when deciding on a particular lease length. The higher this number is (percentage), the better for you as it means that at end of the lease you’re likely to receive more money in return for selling off your car.
If however, you decide on leasing a luxury car for business purposes but don’t want to commit yourself too much financially or for too long then you could consider an intermediate option. A four-year finance package could be a good choice then as it will still provide plenty of flexibility without being too long-term either way (you’ll usually get four years’ worth).
Look For Special Offers
You can look for special offers on the manufacturer’s website. You’ll find that luxury car manufacturers are always trying to incentivise customers to buy their cars. Some may offer financing at a lower rate than what you would get through a bank, while others may provide free aftermarket accessories with your purchase. It’s worth taking some time to browse around these sites and see what they have to offer.
Some of the best deals can be found on third-party sites, which will compare multiple lenders for you so that you don’t have to contact each one yourself. You should also check with dealerships directly since they’re not always listed on other sites or in magazines.
Consider Personal Warranties
Personal warranties are not always available, but if you can get one, it’s worth investing in. Note that it will cost more than commercial ones. However, this is true for anything that is purchased directly from the manufacturer rather than through dealerships, particularly for luxury vehicles like BMWs and Mercedes-Benzes.
In addition to cost considerations, personal warranty coverage should extend as long as possible and include all maintenance costs including parts, labour, and taxes.
Hire Purchase Agreement
A credit agreement is a hire purchase (HP) deal. You make monthly payments to the rental company for the use of your luxury car. Until the last payment is paid, you are not the official owner of the item. PCPs, or personal contract plans, are a kind of hire purchase.
Typically, a down payment is required at the outset of a Hire Purchase deal. The remaining balance of the car’s price is spread out across three-five annual payments.
The Bottom Line
Luxury cars are good for business because they can help to build your brand and give you an edge. If you’re looking for financing on top of the purchase price, there are many different options available.
You need to look into leasing, loans, and car hire schemes before making any decisions about how much money you want to spend on your new vehicle.
Of course, financing can be tricky, but with the right knowledge of leasing and financing options, you can find the right luxury vehicle for your business at an affordable price.