Hermes, the consumer delivery specialist, has launched a partnership with an innovative order and shipping management platform to provide added convenience and choice for SME retailers and Internet power sellers. The delivery firm has teamed-up with Zenstores so its Business Account customers can benefit from an easier and faster way to process and manage their shipments.
Zenstores is a web-based platform that enables SMEs to aggregate and manage all orders from their online stores in one place. From the Zenstores dashboard, users can create shipments via their myHermes shipping account, before printing labels and confirming a pick-up time. Once the retailers have processed their shipments, they can also print invoices, packing slips and job sheets, and automatically update their selling channel with tracking information.
Mark Antwoon, Sales Director, myHermes, said: “We are making significant investments to support our Business Account holders which include sole traders, internet power sellers and SME retailers across the UK. It is an area in which we are seeing significant growth and so it is important that we have the right partners on board. Zenstores will help our customers to streamline their operations and maximise efficiency.”
Thomas Palmer, co-founder and CEO at Zenstores, said: “Our mission is to improve the day-to-day logistics of micro-businesses trading online, freeing up the owner to focus on growing their business and realising their own vision. We are pleased to help Hermes Business Account customers to save vital time and money.”