Checkprint, part of the TALL Group of Companies, the UK leader in the provision of secure paper and electronic payment solutions, has successfully retained its Investors in People accreditation, with the company earning special praise for displaying high levels of openness and honesty.
The Investors in People Standard provides a practical framework for improving business performance and competitiveness through good practice in people management. Checkprint, who employs over 40 people at its site in Hinckley, Leicestershire, was first awarded accreditation in 2001 joining 22,000 like-minded companies in the UK. The latest accreditation will be valid for three years.
Martin Ruda, Managing Director of The TALL Group of Companies, said: “We are delighted with the feedback from our staff. Reading through the report, it is clear to see that Checkprint is a company that allows people to progress and flourish. It is also important for our staff to feel they can approach and learn from both the Directors and the Senior Management Team in Hinckley; receiving positive feedback on this was particularly pleasing.”
Wendy Hambleton, Assessor for Investor in People Central England, said: “By demonstrating a high standard in its people management practices and having met all the requirements of the Core Standard, Checkprint fully deserves to be accredited as an Investors in People organisation. I would like to thank Checkprint and its staff for their co-operation, openness and honesty; it has been an enjoyable and positive experience.”