In your business, how often do you use your text messaging tool to communicate with clients, customers and co-workers? In fact, many companies are investing in services that allow them to send texts without incurring a fee. And after all, pretty much everyone carries their mobile phone around with them all the time so it’s a delivery method with great levels of reliability.
If you haven’t already considered it from a business perspective, you should consider adding this powerful tool into your repertoire. Many people may be under the mistaken assumption that texting is only for personal use. However, when it’s used for professional purposes, it can actually increase productivity and efficiency at work by keeping everyone informed about what happens next in the process.
Here are our top tips on how to best take advantage of business texting on usechalkboard.
1) Use Texts When You Are On The Move
You can use text messaging to communicate with clients, customers and co-workers when you are away from your desk. This can be really beneficial if you are in a meeting or out of the office. By sending a quick text, you can keep everyone updated on what’s happening without having to take the time to call or email each person individually.
2) Use Texts as a Follow-Up
If you have sent an email but haven’t received a response, you can follow up with a text message. This is especially handy if the recipient is likely to be busy when they receive your email. Sending a text allows you to get your message across quickly and easily, as a quick reminder without needing to wait for them to check their email.
3) Use Texts to Clarify Instructions
If you need to give someone detailed instructions, it might be helpful to send them a text. This will ensure that everyone is on the same page and that there is no confusion about what is required. By sending a text, you can avoid any miscommunication that may occur if you were to try and communicate the same instructions over the phone.
4) Use Texts for Appointments
If you have an upcoming appointment with a client or customer, it might be helpful to send them a text reminder. This will ensure that they don’t forget and that they are able to attend the meeting prepared. The great thing about a text is that they have a ‘written’ reminder whereas the contents of a call might be quickly forgotten.
You can also text to confirm appointments with clients and customers.
5) Use Texts to Announce News
If you have some exciting news to share with your clients, customers or co-workers, sending a text is a great way to do it.
This will ensure that everyone hears about it quickly and that they don’t miss out on the news.
6) Use Texts to Thank Your Clients
Sending a text message is a quick and easy way to say thank you to your clients. This can be a great way to show your appreciation for their business. From a thank you at the end of the year through to placing an order, it’s an unintrusive way of communicating.
7) Use Texts as an Emergency Contact Method
If you need to get in touch with someone urgently, you can send them a text message. This is a great way to ensure that your message gets through, even if the person is unavailable or unable to answer the phone.
This can also be an incredibly easy way to get in touch with someone when they’re in an area of poor reception. A call may not be possible but a text might well get through.
8) Use Texts to Build Rapport
Texting can be a great way to build rapport with your clients, customers and co-workers. By sending occasional texts, you can show that you are interested in them and that you care about their well-being.
9) Use Texts to Promote Your Business
If you have a special offer or sale that you want to promote, sending a text is a great way to do it. This will ensure that your message reaches as many people as possible.
This is even more relevant as we get used to dozens of spam emails arriving in our inboxes every day. A text message is far more likely to be targeted and so in turn, read by the recipient.
10) Use Texts as a way of Saying Goodbye
Sending a text message when you are leaving your job, clients or customers is a great way to let them know that you are leaving. This can prevent any confusion about what will happen next with their accounts or business processes.
And it’s not a One Way Street
You may well also find that your clients and customers will send you texts.
More and more people are finding that texts are the easiest way to communicate, especially if they need to be brief or if they need quick responses while their recipient might not be able to answer the phone. As a result, you can begin receiving texts from your clients and customers asking questions about payments through to chasing up receipts.
Text Etiquette
It’s important that you always respond to client text messages quickly and efficiently, just like any other incoming message. This shows them that you care about them, their business and most importantly it saves time on both ends.
Don’t send too many texts because while it’s a great idea to text clients and customers, you don’t want to overdo it. We’ve all been in a situation where someone is constantly texting us when they see we have a new message. This can be incredibly annoying and even intrusive for some people. The recipient can often feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of texts that they receive from another person.
Be very careful not to fall into this type of trap as your client or customer may well begin to resent you for bombarding them with messages when they’re really just trying to do their job!
There is so much value in the use texting within your business
If you’re not currently using text messaging as a communication tool in your business, you’re missing out. Texting can save you time, money, and energy while helping to improve communication with your clients, customers, and co-workers.
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