- 35% admit to visiting McDonald’s while on holiday
- More than a quarter (29%) ‘only like the food we eat in Britain’
- 1 in 10 believe ‘English’ food is the best in Europe
McDonald’s, Chinese food and the Full English breakfast continue to be popular meals of choice for
Brits holidaying abroad, according to new research from MSC Cruises.
Despite 93% of those polled claiming they try the local food when they travel, it seems we’re not willing to give up on those home comforts completely. One in ten UK holidaymakers admit to grabbing
a coffee from Starbucks when abroad, while 30% still enjoy tucking into a good old Full English breakfast.
When questioned on why they avoid local meals when travelling, almost half confessed that it was
purely down to lacking a sense of adventure when it comes to food. Over a third (35%) worry about getting sick when straying from their usual diet, while 29% stated that they ‘only like the food we eat in
These five foods commonly eaten in Britain came out as the most popular with British holidaymakers:
- McDonald’s (35%)
- Chinese (33%)
- Full English (30%)
- Fish & Chips (21%)
- Indian (21%)
It seems our love affair with pizza and pasta continues, as Italy (23%) ran away with the title of best food in Europe. France (15%) and Spain (14%) followed, while countries such as Germany (3%), Portugal (2%) and Poland (1%) barely made the list, highlighting further that we tend to stick to what we know best.
If you’re reluctant to try new foods when travelling, have a look at MSC Cruises’ new Ultimate Med Menu, that highlights a whole host of local foods you ought to be adding to your plate.
You’ll find the menu here: https://www.msccruises.co.uk/en-gb/Mediterranean-Menu.aspx