Almost everyone in modern societies knows that when you build a certain amount of wealth, you should grow those riches by putting them to work, raking in passive income in the long term. How do you do that? Well, you invest them in securities and hope the market goes your way. This process is essential in giving individuals financial security, maintaining their purchasing power in the face of inflation, and protecting them against the rising cost of living. Thus, nowadays, it should not get looked at as something optional. Yet, as a mandatory practice aimed at creating stability for the common folk.
As with everything else in life, this activity also brings about specific levels of uncertainty attached to it. Those, paired with the notion that it involves money, make it a high-stress one for those making trades daily or for people risking their hard-earn savings by betting them on business entities via securities. It is vital to note that markets can become highly volatile quickly and out of nowhere. And that can make investors’ anxiety skyrocket to a point where they fear reaching their long-haul goals and seeing their retirement as threatened. That can induce various strains on the body, such as difficulty focusing, sleeplessness, decreased energy, memory struggles, increased intake of alcohol/food, and more.
Without question, in today’s financial market, high stress is not only threatening portfolios. It is also depleting investors’ most crucial resource, their brain power. Moreover, various psychological research points to the fact that heightened nervousness can cause one’s attention to narrow, become overreactive, and cloud judgment. Per a University of Texas study, the more tension people feel, the more inclined they are to see patterns that do not exist, proving that there are apt reasons why most brokers believe their mental health is either of concern or poor. And almost every investment professional will tell you that stigma is the term they would use to describe how this sector has made mental health an off-limits topic.
That should come as no surprise given the competitive nature ruling this field, but ignoring psychological uneasiness never leads to well-being. Candidness about mental health is crucial in any sphere, especially in an anxiety-driven one like investment, where it should rank as paramount.
What is the connection between mental health and investments?
It is dramatic, as investigations show that when people are more patient, they invest and save more. Furthermore, when they are calm and beaming with self-esteem, their decisiveness and confidence are high, and they have lower risk aversion, making them more likely to go for higher-return deals.
How does the stigma around mental health affect men in the investment industry?
Drastically. For example, in the UK, most financial/investment professionals work more than the weekly recommended guidance. They also do not get enough sleep per week, all because taking time off gets regarded as shameful in this field and a sign of weakness. That stems from the belief that switching off from work is counterproductive in an area where hyper-attentiveness matters a lot.
What are some signs of mental health issues in the investment industry?
They include severe mood swings, a substantial drop in motivation, excessive worrying or fear, prolonged feelings of irritability, and avoiding social activities to focus on work.
How can the investment industry address mental health issues among men?
Investing has always been a rapidly changing sector, with new asset classes popping up ever-so-often and the economic climate continuously shifting. Individuals working in it having to deal with these changes has contributed to many working longer hours. Thankfully, mental health support availability has improved recently, primarily through various programs and on-the-job free counseling.
What resources are available for men in the investment industry struggling with mental health issues?
Many higher-end financial firms now have implemented mental health services and resources into their wellness programs. One such example is Capital Innovations, which has built an employee assistance program, and allowed its personnel to get free counselor sessions (up to twenty annually) and access to a 24/7 mental health service that is confidential.
The Stigma Surrounding Mental Health in the Investment World
Incontestably, the professional investment landscape boasts a high-stakes culture that creates a super strenuous environment that often leads to or magnifies the psychological hardships it produces. Any culture where professionals must be on standby 24/7 via market or client demands will undoubtedly hurt the mind. There is no getting around that. The irony is that brokers and portfolio managers deal with risk every day. Yet, they often do not factor in the hazards of missing a good night’s sleep.
It is also hard to stop working in a professional lifestyle where experiencing mountains of pressure gets seen as getting put to the test. And there is a fear concerning complaining about it or seeking help, which may get construed as a failure to meet on-the-job demands or failing at assigned tasks.
According to California-based clinical psychologist and consultant Joy Lere, finance workers should not wait until they get broken to seek help, as therapy is proactive and not reactive. And Coach for Financial Advisors and Behavioral Finance Consultant Rachel Wolitzky states that reconnecting with meaningful religious and spiritual practices can substantially enhance mental and physical wellness. So, these avenues should get considered alongside therapy and common-sense approaches like eating healthier, meditating, and getting enough sleep.
In Wall Street, banker burn-out is an established phrase to describe investment bank employees falling prey to the pressure of the job, notorious long hours, no days off (except bank holidays), the ever-looming possibility of making a big mistake, and the constant demand to perform while knowing that a misstep can and will have seismic monetary consequences. Hence, it should not shock anyone that individuals working in this area believe they need to maintain an outer shell that they are always calm and never let on about the inner angst they are experiencing.
Mental health challenges such as depression and anxiety endanger the future of the investment sphere if those who populate remain ashamed about admitting their struggles. They do not understand that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. Additionally, and extra beneficially, it is a move that may inspire others to pursue treatment and cause a ripple effect within a company or a small work ecosystem.
Men and Mental Health in the Investment World
The reality is that most men will struggle with mental health problems at some point, with a UK Priority poll showing that 77% of male Brits admit to dealing with stress, anxiety, and depression. But 40% have never spoken about it to anyone, and 29% are too embarrassed to discuss this subject matter since they think these issues carry a negative stigma.
In Wall Street firms, with bankers, these numbers are even more pronounced, as Wall Street Oasis research concluded that most junior bankers work around eighty hours per week. And many in their early twenties have already developed conditions like high blood pressure while also going through extreme weight changes within short periods.
The CEO and founder of Wall Street Oasis, a leading online finance community, Patrick Curtis, says that these workers put themselves at severe risk of facing mental and physical health consequences for their jobs. Though, the public is not going to cry a river for them because they operate under the perception that these individuals are making loads of money at their workplace, which is not always the case.
The Impact of Mental Health on Investment Performance
Statistics show that those with mental health issues are three times more likely to get into debt than those who are psychologically stable. Also, it has gotten well-documented that individuals grappling with mental stability are likelier to be low-income. That is not by accident. Various research, such as a 2014 one from the Money and Mental Health Policy Institute, displayed results claiming that people with poor mental health spend more impulsively. And they have difficulties concentrating or enduring memory problems, making it harder to perform complicated financial tasks that require significant amounts of brain power. Thus, the connection between psychological and financial stoutness is clear.
Keeping calm and logical is essential in investing. the field of behavioral finance identifies that stress can cause impulsivity, which usually generates poor decision-making, even when investors implement premium stock market track software like StockMarketEye. However, it can also enhance cognitive and emotional biases in investors or even an over-reliance on what one originally thinks, called the anchoring trap. Therefore, a mental tip that every investor should know is that volatility is part of the process, meaning remaining calm is vital. Strong returns can generate optimism, peaking with euphoria that can initiate unnecessary trading.
In most cases, investing guided by emotion can be super costly. Regarding average investors getting the timing right on their trades, most customarily make wrong choices under pressure. In seemingly dire straits, most people want to limit their losses, and when things are going well, they fear missing out. Nevertheless, giving in to fear is often a losing strategy in the investment world. Black Rock data suggests that investors only get annual returns of 5.5% when doing what others are doing, and they attain 13.9% positive returns when going against the herd. That shows that reason trumps emotion.
Overcoming the Stigma: Encouraging Men to Seek Help
It is a fact that being male automatically gets negatively associated with an unwillingness to seek mental health aid. That is a scary bit of info, seeing as males worldwide, compared to women, are 1.8 times more likely to take their own lives. No one can dispute that this higher disproportional suicide risk stems from men’’ unwillingness to ask for assistance in dealing with their mental health difficulties. That originates from the negative attitude that most males have towards receiving psychological assistance, looking at this as a taboo, an implication of frailty.
In a predominantly male arena such as investing, this gets highlighted. That is because in this never-say-quit environment fueled by masculine beliefs, behavior that potentially leads to mental breakage gets directly and indirectly encouraged by mentors and peers. Accordingly, it is up to the entities that dominate this industry to act as front runners in normalizing help-seeking attitudes. That can and is getting done by incorporating defined counseling programs within firms and reaching out to employees visibly suffering.
Overall, it is not conducive to stimulating a culture that promotes long-working hours and mounting pressure for everyone to reach new performance peaks every quarter. That fosters a toxic environment that will supply long-term negative consequences inside this sector. And outside it, again, particularly linked to males.
To Sum Up
No one can say there is no stigma surrounding men’s mental heal in the financial asset management industry. That is a proven notion. Disabilities and family obligations often get put to the side in this sector, and psychological issues get ignored so the job can get done. Nonetheless, failing to address these issues frequently comes with a sizeable price tag, causing feelings of hopelessness and stress that can be debilitating and cause extended damage.
Investment pros often must stay calm when dealing with anxious clients. They also must remain grounded when funds start slipping away from their hands for whatever reasons, as their chosen profession demands a state of emotional equilibrium at all times, which is not so easy to maintain. The continuous persistence to maintain this façade affects many by impacting them in such a way that they exhibit trauma symptoms after the fact. So, asking for help is of enormous importance since this job takes a tremendous emotional toll on people, as it puts them in a position to respond to other people’s fears. That is why it is so pivotal that firms and organizations take a step forward and make further strides in formalizing help-seeking attitudes. That should get normalized and promoted as something commendable instead of something condemnable. Hopes are that this will occur to a desirable degree relatively soon.