So, you’re thinking about buying a Onewheel but wondering why they’re the cost of an iPhone? It’s a fair question. The most straightforward answer is that each Onewheel has a computer that runs 18,000 calculations per second and the board itself will last thousands of miles. There’s a lot more to it than that. Today’s article will paint a clearer picture of why a Onewheel is well worth the money for anyone looking to buy the best personalized electric vehicle (PEV) in the industry.
Made in America
When looking to buy a PEV, consumers should research where the vehicle was made. The booming popularity in this industry has led many companies to sprout up quickly and make vehicles that are a combination of parts picked out of a catalog and put together overseas. Their only goal is to mass produce vehicles that can be sold to a wide audience with significant profit margins. The problem with trusting an overseas factory to manufacture and assemble vehicles at the cheapest price possible is that it leaves the consumer with a poor riding experience. Onewheel boards aren’t designed by a company looking to make a quick dollar. Onewheel boards are designed by a company looking to revolutionize the industry for the long-haul with cutting-edge technology.

Riders of Onewheels receive a board that is personally assembled in the United States of America and made to last thousands of miles. After a brief learning curve (Future Motion Inc. provides a ton of learning materials for new riders), riders can experience a ride that mimics the sensation of snowboarding through fresh powder. The feeling is difficult to articulate but the flow state on a Onewheel is second to none.
Paying more upfront for a board with fewer moving parts can save a rider significant maintenance costs. Many PEVs accumulate maintenance costs after purchase to maintain their functionality. Onewheel allows riders to spend more time riding and worry less about repairs.
The durability and resilience of a Onewheel board allows it to navigate multiple terrains. Many dedicated riders have upgraded their morning commute to a Onewheel cruise instead of a sludge through traffic. Battery range will vary based on many factors, but riders can expect their Onewheel GT to last 20-32 miles and it’ll recharge in under an hour. When a person starts to factor in all of the money saved on gas, bus passes, or train tickets, it becomes clearer why Onewheel boards are a worthy investment.
After riding thousands of miles, you’re bound to get a number of scratches and scuffs on your board. The amazing part is that all visible parts can be replaced, which make your board literally look brand new again. This is a unique benefit that you won’t be able to replicate with a scratched bike frame.
As an added bonus, when you’re ready to upgrade to a new Onewheel, all of your old board’s parts are recyclable.

As incredible as each Onewheel board is, the science behind the battery may be the most impressive aspect behind each board. Future Motion, Inc. has invested heavily in developing a battery that could provide the best performance in the industry. Not only can Onewheel’s battery help riders enjoy longer rides, but it is also the reason Onewheel is able to perform better than any other PEV. The cost of each Onewheel board is a testament to each board’s quality. It quite literally has a computer aboard. A computer that runs 18,000 calculations per second to keep the rider balanced. Consumers get what they pay for with Onewheel, which includes foot sensors, a superior battery, and an increase in torque that allows for sharper turns and better maneuverability. The computer also connects via Bluetooth to the Onewheel smartphone app, which lets the rider track each journey like Strava.
Pure Joy
One of the most underrated aspects of a Onewheel board is just how much fun it is to ride. Every Onewheel purchase is a practical guarantee of hours of entertainment. Whether it’s a work commute that goes from a boring routine to an exhilarating thrill ride or being able to enjoy a board sport all year-long, the entertainment factor of Onewheel is off the charts.
With a Onewheel board, every snowboarder, surfer, or skateboarder can mimic the carving sensation, no matter where they are. It’s a feeling that is well worth the price of a quality Onewheel. Those looking to learn more about the options of Onewheel boards can do so at https://onewheel.com/