By Nicci Clark, founder of best-selling soup brand Re:Nourish, which is the world’s first fresh soup in a grab and go, microwaveable, fully recyclable bottle.
With a critical care nurse background, knowing just how important it is to eat nutritious food to lead a healthy lifestyle, Nicci Clark was compelled to start a brand that would make a difference to the nation’s health. After becoming a qualified nutritionist, Clark started ‘Nourished’ in 2010, a pioneering diet company specialising in nutritionally balanced fresh meals delivered direct to customers’ door. However, it soon became apparent that her fresh healthy soups were something her customers wanted to enjoy even after their health programme had finished.
Following this success, Clark headed to the US to learn more about the culinary landscape, where she soon discovered ‘souping’. An increasingly popular food trend amongst health-conscious Americans as an alternative way of getting nutrients in without the high-sugar content of juicing and thought the concept of on-the-go soups could be perfect for Brits with busy lifestyles. Armed with a wealth of nutritional knowledge and inspiration under her belt her innovative soup brand, Re:Nourish was born.
In 2018, with fire in her belly but without means to launch the brand, Clark had to make the hardest financial decision of her life, selling the family home to launch Re:Nourish. Clark faced a series of rejections from banks before making the courageous move to sell her family home and back herself to launch Re:Nourish. Now in its second year of trading, the brand is valued at £14M, and has recently secured a £2m investment to help launch in the Middle East, Far East and other territories.
Amid the brand’s global expansion, Nicci shares her top tips for success as a female entrepreneur:
- It all starts with an idea: It may sound obvious, but having a great, unique idea that adds value to a person’s life is key to growing a successful business. We all lead such busy lives and that’s why I created Re:Nourish; to make something that enables the nation to get the nutrients they need, but also fits in with their packed schedules. We developed the world’s first microwaveable bottle for soup, which allows customers to eat our healthy soups hot or cold, from a bottle that can be opened, re-sealed and put back in a bag. The bottle is fully recyclable too, meaning it’s good for you and good for the planet.
Unleash your inner strength: I launched Re:Nourish during the very worst time of my life, having split up with my boys’ father and with no money to fund my dream business. However, I used the fact that I had nothing to lose, paired with the need to support my boys, as the fuel to start my game-changing business. If you never try, you will never know what you can achieve. I now have a global brand and a great team but, more importantly, I now know I am stronger than I imagined. My boys are enormously proud of me, and I am proud of myself.
- Don’t be distracted: Having laser focus means that you have the mental strength to cut through distractions, and this includes other people’s opinions. Other people’s opinions can be challenging to navigate, but it’s important to remember that they are just that, and not let them distract you from realising your dream. Remember that no one other than you knows what you are truly capable of.
- Believe in yourself: Your confidence touches everything you’re involved in, so my final tip is to believe in yourself! Having self-belief enables you to be proactive, assertive and focused – all important traits to have as a successful business leader.