If you take care of your car’s tyres, then the chances are that they will last longer. This is good for two reasons. Firstly, tyres that have been well maintained are likely to perform better. This could make the difference between being able to control an emergency stop and avoid a collision and hitting another road user. Equally, more durable tyres offer a longer lifespan which means that you will end up spending less on replacing your tyres over time. If you are someone who always looks for comfort while driving on longer routes of the UK like Yorkshire or even Scotland, then maintaining your tyres should be a must along with other car maintenance checks.
So how do you ensure you get the best durability out of your car tyres? Read on to find out.
- Keep Tyres Pumped Up
To begin with, you should always keep your tyres pumped up. If you don’t, then they will lose pressure as you bump up and down kerbs or run over sleeping policemen. You might not notice it at the time but tyres that are a few PSI under their recommended level take more energy to move. They slew out on the road affecting handling performance and also rolling resistance. In turn, this means you will need to burn more petrol or diesel per mile to drive. Even with electric vehicles, the same thing happens. You’ll just run out of battery power that much sooner with under-inflated tyres. Furthermore, their tread will wear down sooner than it otherwise would. As such, pumping them up saves money and makes tyres last longer, as well.
- Try Winter Tyres
If you live in an area which sees lots of snow and ice, then winter tyres can help to extend the life of your summer tyres. Use them when the temperatures are zero or below and when spring comes, simply remove them and save them for the next winter. This way, you will get optimal performance from your tyres at all times, preserving the life of both sets. At Fife Autocentre, the experts can advise you on the car tyres in Dunfermline – their local branches are equipped with the latest technology and tools so you can purchase suitable winter and summer tyres with ease.
- Stay Back, Brake Less
Driving habits have a big outcome on the longevity of tyres. If you like to accelerate hard and get close to the car in front, then the chances are you will also have to brake harder to prevent accidents as the traffic conditions change ahead of you. Therefore, holding back and leaving a gap will allow you to ease off more often and apply your brake less. Again, this will help to preserve the life of your tyres since they’ll be placed under less pressure.
- Don’t Over-Inflate Tyres
Some drivers mistakenly think they will get more out of their tyres by inflating them to a level beyond the manufacturer’s recommendation. If so, you won’t benefit from having to pump them up less often. Even worse, your tyres will bow out to a degree meaning that only the middle section of the tread takes the full weight of the car with an uneven distribution. Consequently, this section will wear down more quickly than the outer parts rendering the tyre illegal to drive on sooner than should be the case.
- Pull Away Evenly
Another good driving tip that will help to make your tyres last longer is to get into the habit of pulling away from a stationary position more evenly. Get out of the habit of revving hard and dumping the clutch. Instead, try to finesse your starts so that you never wheelspin or place your tyres under undue strain. Soon, doing so will become second nature and you’ll forget how you used to do it.