Working with old, outdated software puts your IR strategy at a disadvantage. Here’s why you should make the switch to cutting-edge technology.
1. It’s Scalable
The best IR technology doesn’t come in a one-size-fits-all package. It’s a personalized service that reflects your company’s unique strengths, challenges, and budget.
This means you won’t be stuck paying for expensive software bloated by elaborate programs you won’t use. Instead, you’ll get exactly what you need for a price you can afford.
The top IR specialists such as Q4inc provide tailored investor relations consulting to build solutions fine-tuned to your company’s objectives across multiple platforms. In addition to CRM software, this white-glove approach can extend to all engagements, including your IR websites, virtual events, and ESG reporting.
2. It Promises a Solid ROI
Good IR tech pays off — literally. The average return on good CRM can be as high as $8.71 for every dollar you spend on software.
With an ROI like that, your IR software is more than a justifiable expense; it’s a valuable asset. It delivers actionable insights that help you attract investors and retain shareholders long after you pay off the program’s initial cost.
3. It Centralizes Data
Modern CRM software comes in an all-in-one, cloud-based package. This setup streamlines your workflow by placing all the tools you need in one place. With a few clicks, you can easily access timely data with full integration of analytics and relationship management tools.
Best of all, this information won’t be tied to a physical device or legacy desktop. The best IR tech is accessible online and promises a 99.99% uptime so that anyone can dial in anywhere — even on mobile.
4. It Makes Reporting Easier
As an IRO, you’re expected to deliver timely and concise reports at board meetings. Outdated, siloed technology can severely hamper your ability to produce concise reports to your C-Suite.
Here’s where centralizing CRM data into one place has its second advantage. Since this program aggregates all your insights in one place, you can easily collect essential analytics necessary for reporting, including stock performance, engagements, and shareholder composition.
5. It Automates Targeting
The latest CRM platform comes with precision AI targeting, which takes the effort and guessing out of predicting shareholder behavior.
This AI program produces accurate predictions about investors who are in the right position to buy. It highlights institutional and retail investors your team has the greatest chances of convincing.
This platform can also flag any potential issues in the road ahead. By integrating data across all investor relations channels, it can tap into activist movements in your shareholder base. You’ll be able to get ahead of potential takeovers with an informed approach.
More still, AI is fast. AI targeting can crunch masses of data in a fraction of the time it would take your team to analyze manually. So you can build data-backed strategies without wasting time.
A Full Suite of IR Tools Makes a Difference
From automated targeting to an impressive ROI, these tools come with a lot of advantages. Consider updating your software to tap into these benefits today.
Produced in association with Craig Lebrau